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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


AddableField - Class in com.twicedb.client.shared
AddableField(FieldName, Boolean) - Constructor for class com.twicedb.client.shared.AddableField
AddableField(FieldName, Double) - Constructor for class com.twicedb.client.shared.AddableField
AddableField(FieldName, Float) - Constructor for class com.twicedb.client.shared.AddableField
AddableField(FieldName, Integer) - Constructor for class com.twicedb.client.shared.AddableField
AddableField(FieldName, Long) - Constructor for class com.twicedb.client.shared.AddableField
AddableField(FieldName, Short) - Constructor for class com.twicedb.client.shared.AddableField
AddableField(FieldName, String) - Constructor for class com.twicedb.client.shared.AddableField
addLatency(ClientMetrics.RequestKind, long) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.metrics.ClientMetrics
addRef(String, ObjectId) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.ResolvedRefs
addResolvedRef(String, Indexable) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.ResolvedRefs
AGGREGATION_RESPONSE_NAME - Static variable in record class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBClasses
aggregationResponse() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.api.ReadAsyncResponse
Returns the value of the aggregationResponse record component.
AggregationResponse - Class in com.twicedb.client.shared
AggregationResponse(boolean) - Constructor for class com.twicedb.client.shared.AggregationResponse
AggregationResponse(BigDecimal, boolean) - Constructor for class com.twicedb.client.shared.AggregationResponse
AggregationResponse(BigInteger, boolean) - Constructor for class com.twicedb.client.shared.AggregationResponse


BACKFILL_TT_MIN - Static variable in record class com.twicedb.shared.BackfillTt
backfillTt() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.BackfillTt
Returns the value of the backfillTt record component.
BackfillTt - Record Class in com.twicedb.shared
The transaction time to backfill data.
BackfillTt(long) - Constructor for record class com.twicedb.shared.BackfillTt
Creates an instance of a BackfillTt record class.
BadResponseException - Exception in com.twicedb.client.impl
BadResponseException(String) - Constructor for exception com.twicedb.client.impl.BadResponseException
BadResponseException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.twicedb.client.impl.BadResponseException
BATCH_SIZE_NAME - Static variable in record class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBClasses
batchSize() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.BatchSize
Returns the value of the batchSize record component.
BatchSize - Record Class in com.twicedb.shared
BatchSize(int) - Constructor for record class com.twicedb.shared.BatchSize
Creates an instance of a BatchSize record class.
blob() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.ReadObject
Returns the value of the blob record component.
Blob - Class in com.twicedb.shared
An arbitrary byte array of data to be stored in TwiceDB.
Blob(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.twicedb.shared.Blob
Blob(String) - Constructor for class com.twicedb.shared.Blob
buildAggregationResponse(ReadResponse.ReadCommandResponse, boolean) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl


CAN_ENTITLE - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.shared.EntitleEntitlement
CAN_READ - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.shared.ReadEntitlement
CAN_WRITE - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.shared.WriteEntitlement
CANNOT_ENTITLE - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.shared.EntitleEntitlement
CANNOT_READ - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.shared.ReadEntitlement
CANNOT_WRITE - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.shared.WriteEntitlement
CannotQueryFieldException - Exception in com.twicedb.client.api
CannotQueryFieldException(String) - Constructor for exception com.twicedb.client.api.CannotQueryFieldException
catchUpLsqt(Tt, Duration) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
catchUpLsqt(Tt, Duration) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
checkReader() - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
checkReader() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
checkReader(HealthCheckRequest) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.proxy.ClientProxy
checkWriter() - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
checkWriter() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
checkWriter(HealthCheckRequest) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.proxy.ClientProxy
ClassTypeParams - Record Class in com.twicedb.gen
ClassTypeParams(List<String>) - Constructor for record class com.twicedb.gen.ClassTypeParams
Creates an instance of a ClassTypeParams record class.
CLAZZ_KEY - Static variable in class com.twicedb.client.api.Indexable
Client - Interface in com.twicedb.client.api
A TwiceDB client.
CLIENT_BASE_NAME - Static variable in record class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBClasses
clientCommonName() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.ClientCommonName
Returns the value of the clientCommonName record component.
ClientCommonName - Record Class in com.twicedb.shared
ClientCommonName - Variable in class com.twicedb.shared.entitlements.Entitlement
ClientCommonName(String) - Constructor for record class com.twicedb.shared.ClientCommonName
Creates an instance of a ClientCommonName record class.
ClientConfig - Class in com.twicedb.client.config
A class holding the runtime configuration values of a client.
ClientConfig() - Constructor for class com.twicedb.client.config.ClientConfig
ClientConfig(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.twicedb.client.config.ClientConfig
ClientImpl - Class in com.twicedb.client.impl
An implementation of the TwiceDB client API.
ClientImpl(ClientConfig) - Constructor for class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
ClientMetrics - Class in com.twicedb.client.metrics
A container for tracking client-side metrics.
ClientMetrics() - Constructor for class com.twicedb.client.metrics.ClientMetrics
ClientMetrics.PercentileMapWithCount - Record Class in com.twicedb.client.metrics
ClientMetrics.RequestKind - Enum Class in com.twicedb.client.metrics
ClientProxy - Class in com.twicedb.client.proxy
A class for proxying network requests from the client to a TwiceDB server(s).
ClientProxy(String, ClientConfig) - Constructor for class com.twicedb.client.proxy.ClientProxy
ClientProxy(String, String, String, ClientConfig) - Constructor for class com.twicedb.client.proxy.ClientProxy
com.twicedb.client.api - package com.twicedb.client.api
Defines the API and utilities for storing and retrieving data with TwiceDB.
com.twicedb.client.config - package com.twicedb.client.config
Provides runtime configuration for the TwiceDB client.
com.twicedb.client.impl - package com.twicedb.client.impl
Implements the client API for TwiceDB, along with many useful classes for passing data around.
com.twicedb.client.metrics - package com.twicedb.client.metrics
Provides utilities for tracking and reporting client-side metrics.
com.twicedb.client.object_registry - package com.twicedb.client.object_registry
Defines the ObjectRegistry that allows the TwiceDB client to deserialize objects into the correct classes.
com.twicedb.client.proxy - package com.twicedb.client.proxy
Provides utilities for proxying requests from the client to TwiceDB server(s).
com.twicedb.client.shape_registry - package com.twicedb.client.shape_registry
Defines the ShapeRegistry that allows the TwiceDB client to modify object schemas.
com.twicedb.client.shared - package com.twicedb.client.shared
Provides utility / wrapper classes to be used by the client.
com.twicedb.client.txn - package com.twicedb.client.txn
Contains an implementation of the Txn api.
com.twicedb.client.version - package com.twicedb.client.version
Contains the version id of this release of the TwiceDB client.
com.twicedb.gen - package com.twicedb.gen
Contains classes that read TwiceDB annotations and generate code.
com.twicedb.shared - package com.twicedb.shared
Contains classes that are shared between the client and the server and utilities to manipulate them.
com.twicedb.shared.entitlements - package com.twicedb.shared.entitlements
Provides classes for entitlements.
commitTxn(Txn) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
commitTxn(Txn) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
commitTxnAsync(Txn) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
commitTxnAsync(Txn) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
compare(IndexCondition, IndexCondition) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery.SortByKey
compressBlobWithCompressor(Compressor, ByteString) - Static method in class com.twicedb.client.proxy.ClientProxy
ConstructorArgsStyle - Enum Class in com.twicedb.gen
count() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.metrics.ClientMetrics.PercentileMapWithCount
Returns the value of the count record component.
COUNT - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.api.ProjectOp
COUNT_BY_INDEXES - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.metrics.ClientMetrics.RequestKind
countByIndexedQuery(IndexedQuery<I>, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
countByIndexedQuery(IndexedQuery<I>, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
countByIndexedQueryAsync(IndexedQuery<I>, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
countByIndexedQueryAsync(IndexedQuery<I>, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl


DanglingRefException - Exception in com.twicedb.client.impl
DanglingRefException(String) - Constructor for exception com.twicedb.client.impl.DanglingRefException
DanglingRefException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.twicedb.client.impl.DanglingRefException
delete(ObjectId, Tt, Vt) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
delete(ObjectId, Tt, Vt) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Txn
delete(ObjectId, Tt, Vt) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
delete(ObjectId, Tt, Vt) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.txn.Txn
deleteAsync(ObjectId, Tt, Vt) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
deleteAsync(ObjectId, Tt, Vt) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
deleteObject(Client, I, Vt) - Static method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.IndexableI
deleteObject(Indexable, Vt) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Txn
deleteObject(Indexable, Vt) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.txn.Txn
deleteObject(I, Vt) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
deleteObject(I, Vt) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
deleteObjectAsync(Client, I, Vt) - Static method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.IndexableI
deleteObjectAsync(I, Vt) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
deleteObjectAsync(I, Vt) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
deserialize(JsonElement, Type, JsonDeserializationContext) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.RefResolverDeserializer
DuplicateUniqueIndexException - Exception in com.twicedb.client.impl
DuplicateUniqueIndexException(String) - Constructor for exception com.twicedb.client.impl.DuplicateUniqueIndexException
DuplicateUniqueIndexException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.twicedb.client.impl.DuplicateUniqueIndexException


elapsed() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.proxy.ReadResponseWithTiming
Returns the value of the elapsed record component.
elapsed() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.proxy.WriteResponseWithTiming
Returns the value of the elapsed record component.
emailAddress() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.EmailAddress
Returns the value of the emailAddress record component.
EmailAddress - Record Class in com.twicedb.shared
EmailAddress - Variable in class com.twicedb.shared.entitlements.Entitlement
EmailAddress(String) - Constructor for record class com.twicedb.shared.EmailAddress
Creates an instance of a EmailAddress record class.
EmailAddressAndEntitledFqn() - Method in class com.twicedb.shared.entitlements.Entitlement
emptyIndexedQuery(Indexable<I>) - Static method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
ensureCanProjectField(String, ProjectOp) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Indexable
ensureCanQueryField(String) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Indexable
entitle(EmailAddress, Fqn, ReadEntitlement, WriteEntitlement, EntitleEntitlement, Vt, BackfillTt) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
entitle(EmailAddress, Fqn, ReadEntitlement, WriteEntitlement, EntitleEntitlement, Vt, BackfillTt) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
Sets new entitlements.
Entitle - Variable in class com.twicedb.shared.entitlements.Entitlement
ENTITLE - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.metrics.ClientMetrics.RequestKind
EntitledFqn - Variable in class com.twicedb.shared.entitlements.Entitlement
EntitleEntitlement - Enum Class in com.twicedb.client.shared
Entitlement - Class in com.twicedb.shared.entitlements
Entitlement() - Constructor for class com.twicedb.shared.entitlements.Entitlement
entitlementId() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.entitlements.EntitlementId
Returns the value of the entitlementId record component.
EntitlementId - Record Class in com.twicedb.shared.entitlements
EntitlementId - Variable in class com.twicedb.shared.entitlements.Entitlement
EntitlementId(String) - Constructor for record class com.twicedb.shared.entitlements.EntitlementId
Creates an instance of a EntitlementId record class.
EQUAL - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQueryOp
equals(Object) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Event
equals(Object) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Indexable
equals(Object) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.api.ReadAsyncRequest
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.api.ReadAsyncResponse
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.metrics.ClientMetrics.PercentileMapWithCount
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.proxy.ReadResponseWithTiming
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.proxy.WriteResponseWithTiming
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.FieldName
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.ReadObject
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.ServerStatus
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.SubscribeResponse
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.SubscriptionId
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.WriteAsyncRequest
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.WriteAsyncResponse
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.WrittenObject
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.WrittenTransaction
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.twicedb.gen.ClassTypeParams
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBClasses
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.BackfillTt
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.BatchSize
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.twicedb.shared.Blob
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.ClientCommonName
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.EmailAddress
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.entitlements.EntitlementId
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.twicedb.shared.EventBlob
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.EventId
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.Fqn
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.Lsqt
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.ObjectId
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.Percentile
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.ProjectedFieldKey
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.TemporalCoordinates
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.TimesliceId
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.Tt
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.Vt
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
error() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.WriteAsyncResponse
Returns the value of the error record component.
error() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.WrittenObject
Returns the value of the error record component.
error() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.WrittenTransaction
Returns the value of the error record component.
event() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.api.ReadAsyncResponse
Returns the value of the event record component.
Event<E extends EventI<E>> - Class in com.twicedb.client.api
Event() - Constructor for class com.twicedb.client.api.Event
EVENT_BASE_NAME - Static variable in record class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBClasses
EVENT_ID_BASE_NAME - Static variable in record class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBClasses
EventBlob - Class in com.twicedb.shared
An arbitrary byte array of data to be stored in TwiceDB.
EventBlob(byte[]) - Constructor for class com.twicedb.shared.EventBlob
EventBlob(String) - Constructor for class com.twicedb.shared.EventBlob
EventI<E extends EventI<E>> - Interface in com.twicedb.client.api
eventId() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.EventId
Returns the value of the eventId record component.
EventId - Record Class in com.twicedb.shared
A unique identifier for each event in TwiceDB.
EventId(String) - Constructor for record class com.twicedb.shared.EventId
Creates an instance of a EventId record class.
EventIdAlreadySetException - Exception in com.twicedb.client.api
EventIdAlreadySetException(String) - Constructor for exception com.twicedb.client.api.EventIdAlreadySetException
eventTxn(Event) - Static method in class com.twicedb.client.txn.Txn


FieldName - Record Class in com.twicedb.client.shared
FieldName(String) - Constructor for record class com.twicedb.client.shared.FieldName
Creates an instance of a FieldName record class.
fqn() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.ReadObject
Returns the value of the fqn record component.
fqn() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.Fqn
Returns the value of the fqn record component.
Fqn - Record Class in com.twicedb.shared
Fqn(String) - Constructor for record class com.twicedb.shared.Fqn
Creates an instance of a Fqn record class.
FQN_KEY - Static variable in class com.twicedb.client.api.Indexable
FQN_NAME - Static variable in record class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBClasses
FqnAlreadyRegisteredException - Exception in com.twicedb.client.object_registry
FqnAlreadyRegisteredException(Fqn) - Constructor for exception com.twicedb.client.object_registry.FqnAlreadyRegisteredException
FqnAlreadyRegisteredException(String) - Constructor for exception com.twicedb.client.object_registry.FqnAlreadyRegisteredException
FqnAlreadySetException - Exception in com.twicedb.client.api
FqnAlreadySetException(String) - Constructor for exception com.twicedb.client.api.FqnAlreadySetException
future() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.api.ReadAsyncRequest
Returns the value of the future record component.
future() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.WriteAsyncRequest
Returns the value of the future record component.
FutureBackfillTtException - Exception in com.twicedb.client.impl
FutureBackfillTtException(String) - Constructor for exception com.twicedb.client.impl.FutureBackfillTtException
FutureBackfillTtException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.twicedb.client.impl.FutureBackfillTtException


GENERATED_ILLEGAL_ACCESS_EXCEPTION_NAME - Static variable in record class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBClasses
GENERATED_MISSING_OBJECT_ID_EXCEPTION_NAME - Static variable in record class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBClasses
GENERATED_NO_SUCH_FIELD_EXCEPTION_NAME - Static variable in record class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBClasses
GeneratedIllegalAccessException - Exception in com.twicedb.gen
GeneratedIllegalAccessException(String, IllegalAccessException) - Constructor for exception com.twicedb.gen.GeneratedIllegalAccessException
GeneratedMissingObjectIdException - Exception in com.twicedb.gen
GeneratedMissingObjectIdException(String) - Constructor for exception com.twicedb.gen.GeneratedMissingObjectIdException
GeneratedNoSuchFieldException - Exception in com.twicedb.gen
GeneratedNoSuchFieldException(String, NoSuchFieldException) - Constructor for exception com.twicedb.gen.GeneratedNoSuchFieldException
generateEntitlementId() - Static method in class com.twicedb.shared.entitlements.Entitlement
generateEventId() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Event
generateObjectId() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Indexable
GET_TYPE_TOKEN_NAME - Static variable in record class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBClasses
getAggregatedValueInteger() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.shared.AggregationResponse
getAggregatedValueNonInteger() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.shared.AggregationResponse
getAggregationExists() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.shared.AggregationResponse
getBackfillTt() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Indexable
getBackfillTt() - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.IndexableI
getBelongsToClassName() - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.RefResolver
getBigInteger() - Method in class com.twicedb.shared.ProjectedFieldValue
getBlob() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Event
getBlob() - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.EventI
getBlob() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Indexable
getBlob() - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.IndexableI
getBoolean() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.shared.AddableField
getCAFile() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.config.ClientConfig
getCertFile() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.config.ClientConfig
getData() - Method in class com.twicedb.shared.Blob
getData() - Method in class com.twicedb.shared.EventBlob
getDouble() - Method in class com.twicedb.shared.ProjectedFieldValue
getEvent() - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Txn
getEvent() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.txn.Txn
getEvent(Client) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Indexable
getEvent(Client, EventId, Tt) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Event
getEventAsync(Client) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Indexable
getEventAsync(Client, EventId, Tt) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Event
getEventFromBlob(<any>, EventBlob, EventId, Tt) - Static method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Event
getEventId() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Event
getEventId() - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.EventI
getFloat() - Method in class com.twicedb.shared.ProjectedFieldValue
getFqn() - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.ProvidesFqn
getFqn() - Method in class com.twicedb.shared.entitlements.Entitlement
getFqn(EventI<E>) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Event
getFqn(EventI<E>) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.EventI
getFqn(Indexable<I>) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Indexable
getFqn(Indexable<I>) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.IndexableI
getIndexable() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
getIndexedQuery() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Indexable
getIndexedQuery() - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.IndexableI
getIndexes() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
getInteger() - Method in class com.twicedb.shared.ProjectedFieldValue
getKeyFile() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.config.ClientConfig
getKeystoreFile() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.config.ClientConfig
getKeystorePassword() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.config.ClientConfig
getLastWrite() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Indexable
getLastWrite() - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.IndexableI
getLong() - Method in class com.twicedb.shared.ProjectedFieldValue
getLsqt() - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
getLsqt() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
getMetrics() - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
getMetrics() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
getMinCompressionSize() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.config.ClientConfig
getName() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.shared.AddableField
getNumber() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.shared.AddableField
getObjectId() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Indexable
getObjectId() - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.IndexableI
getObjects() - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Txn
getObjects() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.txn.Txn
getPackagePrefixes() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.config.ClientConfig
getPercentileMap(ClientMetrics.RequestKind) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.metrics.ClientMetrics
getProjectedFields(I) - Static method in class com.twicedb.client.txn.ProjectedFieldsConverter
getProjectedFieldsMethod(Fqn) - Static method in class com.twicedb.client.object_registry.ObjectRegistry
getReachedReadQueueCap() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.metrics.ClientMetrics
getReachedWriteQueueCap() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.metrics.ClientMetrics
getReaderAddress() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.config.ClientConfig
getReadQueueCap() - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
getReadQueueCap() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
getReadQueueCapacity() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.config.ClientConfig
getRefResolver() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Indexable
getRefResolver() - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.IndexableI
getRefs() - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.RefResolver
getRefs() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.ResolvedRefs
getResolvedRefs() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.ResolvedRefs
getRetryingServiceConfig() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.proxy.ClientProxy
getServerStatus(ServerType) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
getServerStatus(ServerType) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
Returns a ServerStatus object that contains basic information about the reader or the writer to which the client is connected.
getShard() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.config.ClientConfig
getString() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.shared.AddableField
getTimesliceId() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Indexable
getTruststoreFile() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.config.ClientConfig
getTruststorePassword() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.config.ClientConfig
getTt() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Event
getTt() - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.EventI
getTtFrom() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Indexable
getTtFrom() - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.IndexableI
getTtResolvedAt() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Indexable
getType(Fqn) - Static method in class com.twicedb.client.object_registry.ObjectRegistry
getTypeToken() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Event
getTypeToken() - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.EventI
getTypeToken() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Indexable
getTypeToken() - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.IndexableI
GetTypeTokenException - Exception in com.twicedb.client.api
GetTypeTokenException(String) - Constructor for exception com.twicedb.client.api.GetTypeTokenException
getVtFrom() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Indexable
getVtFrom() - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.IndexableI
getVtResolvedAt() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Indexable
getWriteCommands() - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Txn
getWriteCommands() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.txn.Txn
getWriteQueueCap() - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
getWriteQueueCap() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
getWriteQueueCapacity() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.config.ClientConfig
getWriterAddress() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.config.ClientConfig
getZkAddress() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.config.ClientConfig
gitRevision() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.ServerStatus
Returns the value of the gitRevision record component.
GREATER_THAN - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQueryOp
GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQueryOp
greaterThan(TimesliceId) - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.TimesliceId
gson - Static variable in class com.twicedb.client.api.Event
gson - Static variable in class com.twicedb.client.api.Indexable


hasEvent() - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Txn
hasEvent() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.txn.Txn
hashCode() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Event
hashCode() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Indexable
hashCode() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
hashCode() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.api.ReadAsyncRequest
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.api.ReadAsyncResponse
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.metrics.ClientMetrics.PercentileMapWithCount
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.proxy.ReadResponseWithTiming
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.proxy.WriteResponseWithTiming
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.FieldName
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.ReadObject
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.ServerStatus
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.SubscribeResponse
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.SubscriptionId
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.WriteAsyncRequest
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.WriteAsyncResponse
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.WrittenObject
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.WrittenTransaction
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.twicedb.gen.ClassTypeParams
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBClasses
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.BackfillTt
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.BatchSize
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class com.twicedb.shared.Blob
hashCode() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.ClientCommonName
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.EmailAddress
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.entitlements.EntitlementId
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in class com.twicedb.shared.EventBlob
hashCode() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.EventId
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.Fqn
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.Lsqt
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.ObjectId
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.Percentile
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.ProjectedFieldKey
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.TemporalCoordinates
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.TimesliceId
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.Tt
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.Vt
Returns a hash code value for this object.


incrementReachedReadQueueCap() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.metrics.ClientMetrics
incrementReachedWriteQueueCap() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.metrics.ClientMetrics
Indexable<I extends Indexable> - Class in com.twicedb.client.api
An object that can be indexed.
Indexable() - Constructor for class com.twicedb.client.api.Indexable
INDEXABLE_BASE_NAME - Static variable in record class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBClasses
INDEXABLE_I_BASE_NAME - Static variable in record class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBClasses
IndexableI<I extends Indexable> - Interface in com.twicedb.client.api
An object that can be indexed.
INDEXED_QUERY_NAME - Static variable in record class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBClasses
IndexedQuery<I extends Indexable> - Class in com.twicedb.client.api
A read query of indexed fields.
IndexedQuery.SortByKey - Class in com.twicedb.client.api
IndexedQueryOp - Enum Class in com.twicedb.client.api
The comparisons available in indexed queries.
INF - Static variable in record class com.twicedb.shared.Tt
INF - Static variable in record class com.twicedb.shared.Vt
InvalidObjectIdException - Exception in com.twicedb.client.impl
InvalidObjectIdException(String) - Constructor for exception com.twicedb.client.impl.InvalidObjectIdException
InvalidObjectIdException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.twicedb.client.impl.InvalidObjectIdException
isBigInteger() - Method in class com.twicedb.shared.ProjectedFieldValue
isDouble() - Method in class com.twicedb.shared.ProjectedFieldValue
isEmpty() - Method in record class com.twicedb.gen.ClassTypeParams
isFloat() - Method in class com.twicedb.shared.ProjectedFieldValue
isGreater(Lsqt) - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.Lsqt
isGreater(Tt) - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.BackfillTt
isGreater(Tt) - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.Tt
isGreaterOrEqualTo(Tt) - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.Tt
isInteger() - Method in class com.twicedb.shared.ProjectedFieldValue
isLess(Lsqt) - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.Lsqt
isLong() - Method in class com.twicedb.shared.ProjectedFieldValue


key() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.ProjectedFieldKey
Returns the value of the key record component.


lastWrite() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.ReadObject
Returns the value of the lastWrite record component.
lastWrite() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.WrittenObject
Returns the value of the lastWrite record component.
LESS_THAN - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQueryOp
LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQueryOp
lessThan(TimesliceId) - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.TimesliceId
LIST_LOCKED_FQNS - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.metrics.ClientMetrics.RequestKind
listLockedFqns() - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
listLockedFqns() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
LOCK_FQNS - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.metrics.ClientMetrics.RequestKind
lockFqn(Fqn) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
lockFqn(Fqn) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
logger - Static variable in interface com.twicedb.client.api.IndexableI
lsqt() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.Lsqt
Returns the value of the lsqt record component.
Lsqt - Record Class in com.twicedb.shared
A representation of the last safe query time ("Lsqt"), the largest Tt at which the client knows that is safe to read.
Lsqt(long) - Constructor for record class com.twicedb.shared.Lsqt
Creates an instance of a Lsqt record class.


MAX - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.api.ProjectOp
MAX_BY_INDEXES - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.metrics.ClientMetrics.RequestKind
maxByIndexedQuery(IndexedQuery<I>, ProjectedFieldKey, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
maxByIndexedQuery(IndexedQuery<I>, ProjectedFieldKey, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
maxByIndexedQueryAsync(IndexedQuery<I>, ProjectedFieldKey, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
maxByIndexedQueryAsync(IndexedQuery<I>, ProjectedFieldKey, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
MEAN - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.api.ProjectOp
MEAN_BY_INDEXES - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.metrics.ClientMetrics.RequestKind
meanByIndexedQuery(IndexedQuery<I>, ProjectedFieldKey, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
meanByIndexedQuery(IndexedQuery<I>, ProjectedFieldKey, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
meanByIndexedQueryAsync(IndexedQuery<I>, ProjectedFieldKey, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
meanByIndexedQueryAsync(IndexedQuery<I>, ProjectedFieldKey, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
MEDIAN - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.api.ProjectOp
MEDIAN_BY_INDEXES - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.metrics.ClientMetrics.RequestKind
medianByIndexedQuery(IndexedQuery<I>, ProjectedFieldKey, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
medianByIndexedQuery(IndexedQuery<I>, ProjectedFieldKey, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
medianByIndexedQueryAsync(IndexedQuery<I>, ProjectedFieldKey, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
medianByIndexedQueryAsync(IndexedQuery<I>, ProjectedFieldKey, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
MIN - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.api.ProjectOp
MIN_BY_INDEXES - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.metrics.ClientMetrics.RequestKind
minByIndexedQuery(IndexedQuery<I>, ProjectedFieldKey, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
minByIndexedQuery(IndexedQuery<I>, ProjectedFieldKey, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
minByIndexedQueryAsync(IndexedQuery<I>, ProjectedFieldKey, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
minByIndexedQueryAsync(IndexedQuery<I>, ProjectedFieldKey, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
MissingAnnotationException - Exception in com.twicedb.client.api
MissingAnnotationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.twicedb.client.api.MissingAnnotationException
MissingObjectIdException - Exception in com.twicedb.client.impl
MissingObjectIdException(String) - Constructor for exception com.twicedb.client.impl.MissingObjectIdException
MissingObjectIdException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.twicedb.client.impl.MissingObjectIdException


name() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.FieldName
Returns the value of the name record component.
NoClientConfigException - Exception in com.twicedb.client.object_registry
NoClientConfigException(String) - Constructor for exception com.twicedb.client.object_registry.NoClientConfigException
NoEventFoundException - Exception in com.twicedb.client.impl
NoEventFoundException() - Constructor for exception com.twicedb.client.impl.NoEventFoundException
NoEventFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception com.twicedb.client.impl.NoEventFoundException
NoEventFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.twicedb.client.impl.NoEventFoundException
NullEntitlementId - Static variable in record class com.twicedb.shared.entitlements.EntitlementId


OBJECT_ID_BASE_NAME - Static variable in record class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBClasses
OBJECT_REGISTRY_NAME - Static variable in record class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBClasses
objectId() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.ReadObject
Returns the value of the objectId record component.
objectId() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.WrittenObject
Returns the value of the objectId record component.
objectId() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.ObjectId
Returns the value of the objectId record component.
ObjectId - Record Class in com.twicedb.shared
A unique identifier for each object in TwiceDB.
ObjectId(String) - Constructor for record class com.twicedb.shared.ObjectId
Creates an instance of a ObjectId record class.
ObjectRegistry - Class in com.twicedb.client.object_registry
ObjectRegistry() - Constructor for class com.twicedb.client.object_registry.ObjectRegistry
of(Instant) - Static method in record class com.twicedb.shared.BackfillTt
of(Instant) - Static method in record class com.twicedb.shared.Tt
of(Instant) - Static method in record class com.twicedb.shared.Vt
of(LocalDate) - Static method in record class com.twicedb.shared.BackfillTt
of(LocalDate) - Static method in record class com.twicedb.shared.Tt
of(LocalDate) - Static method in record class com.twicedb.shared.Vt
of(ZonedDateTime) - Static method in record class com.twicedb.shared.BackfillTt
of(ZonedDateTime) - Static method in record class com.twicedb.shared.Tt
of(ZonedDateTime) - Static method in record class com.twicedb.shared.Vt
of(Date) - Static method in record class com.twicedb.shared.BackfillTt
of(Date) - Static method in record class com.twicedb.shared.Tt
of(Date) - Static method in record class com.twicedb.shared.Vt


percentile() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.Percentile
Returns the value of the percentile record component.
Percentile - Record Class in com.twicedb.shared
Percentile(Double) - Constructor for record class com.twicedb.shared.Percentile
Creates an instance of a Percentile record class.
PERCENTILE - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.api.ProjectOp
PERCENTILE_BY_INDEXES - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.metrics.ClientMetrics.RequestKind
PERCENTILE_NAME - Static variable in record class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBClasses
percentileByIndexedQuery(IndexedQuery<I>, ProjectedFieldKey, Percentile, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
percentileByIndexedQuery(IndexedQuery<I>, ProjectedFieldKey, Percentile, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
percentileByIndexedQueryAsync(IndexedQuery<I>, ProjectedFieldKey, Percentile, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
percentileByIndexedQueryAsync(IndexedQuery<I>, ProjectedFieldKey, Percentile, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
percentileMap() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.metrics.ClientMetrics.PercentileMapWithCount
Returns the value of the percentileMap record component.
PercentileMapWithCount(Map<Double, Double>, int) - Constructor for record class com.twicedb.client.metrics.ClientMetrics.PercentileMapWithCount
Creates an instance of a PercentileMapWithCount record class.
PlainEvent - Class in com.twicedb.client.api
PlainEvent() - Constructor for class com.twicedb.client.api.PlainEvent
process(Set<? extends TypeElement>, RoundEnvironment) - Method in class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBProcessorEvents
process(Set<? extends TypeElement>, RoundEnvironment) - Method in class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBProcessorObjects
process(Set<? extends TypeElement>, RoundEnvironment) - Method in class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBProcessorRefs
processJsonForRead(Fqn, String) - Static method in class com.twicedb.client.shape_registry.ShapeRegistry
PROJECT_OP_BASE - Static variable in record class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBClasses
PROJECTED_FIELD_KEY_NAME - Static variable in record class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBClasses
PROJECTED_FIELD_VALUE_NAME - Static variable in record class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBClasses
ProjectedFieldKey - Record Class in com.twicedb.shared
ProjectedFieldKey(String) - Constructor for record class com.twicedb.shared.ProjectedFieldKey
Creates an instance of a ProjectedFieldKey record class.
ProjectedFieldsConverter - Class in com.twicedb.client.txn
ProjectedFieldValue - Class in com.twicedb.shared
ProjectedFieldValue(Double) - Constructor for class com.twicedb.shared.ProjectedFieldValue
ProjectedFieldValue(Float) - Constructor for class com.twicedb.shared.ProjectedFieldValue
ProjectedFieldValue(Integer) - Constructor for class com.twicedb.shared.ProjectedFieldValue
ProjectedFieldValue(Long) - Constructor for class com.twicedb.shared.ProjectedFieldValue
ProjectedFieldValue(BigInteger) - Constructor for class com.twicedb.shared.ProjectedFieldValue
ProjectOp - Enum Class in com.twicedb.client.api
PROVIDED_FQN_NAME - Static variable in record class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBClasses
providedFqn() - Static method in class com.twicedb.shared.entitlements.Entitlement
PROVIDES_FQN_CLASS_NAME - Static variable in record class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBClasses
ProvidesFqn - Interface in com.twicedb.client.api
An object that provides its own Fqn.
put(ObjectId, Tt, Vt, Blob) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
put(ObjectId, Tt, Vt, Blob) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Txn
put(ObjectId, Tt, Vt, Blob) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
put(ObjectId, Tt, Vt, Blob) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.txn.Txn
putAsync(ObjectId, Tt, Vt, Blob) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
putAsync(ObjectId, Tt, Vt, Blob) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
putObject(Client, I, Vt) - Static method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.IndexableI
putObject(Indexable, Vt) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Txn
putObject(Indexable, Vt) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.txn.Txn
putObject(I, Vt) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
putObject(I, Vt) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
putObjectAsync(Client, Indexable, Vt) - Static method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.IndexableI
putObjectAsync(I, Vt) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
putObjectAsync(I, Vt) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl


r() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.proxy.ReadResponseWithTiming
Returns the value of the r record component.
r() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.proxy.WriteResponseWithTiming
Returns the value of the r record component.
read(ReadRequest) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.proxy.ClientProxy
Read - Variable in class com.twicedb.shared.entitlements.Entitlement
READ_EVENT - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.metrics.ClientMetrics.RequestKind
READ_FROM_QUEUE - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.metrics.ClientMetrics.RequestKind
READ_OBJECTS_AT_TT - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.metrics.ClientMetrics.RequestKind
READ_OBJECTS_AT_VT - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.metrics.ClientMetrics.RequestKind
READ_OBJECTS_BY_EVENT - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.metrics.ClientMetrics.RequestKind
READ_OBJECTS_BY_FQN - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.metrics.ClientMetrics.RequestKind
READ_OBJECTS_BY_INDEXES - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.metrics.ClientMetrics.RequestKind
READ_POINT - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.metrics.ClientMetrics.RequestKind
ReadAsyncRequest - Record Class in com.twicedb.client.api
An asynchronous read request.
ReadAsyncRequest(ReadRequest, CompletableFuture<ReadAsyncResponse>) - Constructor for record class com.twicedb.client.api.ReadAsyncRequest
Creates an instance of a ReadAsyncRequest record class.
ReadAsyncResponse - Record Class in com.twicedb.client.api
An asynchronous read response.
ReadAsyncResponse(EventI, List<ReadObject>, AggregationResponse) - Constructor for record class com.twicedb.client.api.ReadAsyncResponse
Creates an instance of a ReadAsyncResponse record class.
ReadAtFutureTtException - Exception in com.twicedb.client.impl
ReadAtFutureTtException(String) - Constructor for exception com.twicedb.client.impl.ReadAtFutureTtException
ReadAtFutureTtException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.twicedb.client.impl.ReadAtFutureTtException
ReadEntitlement - Enum Class in com.twicedb.client.shared
READER - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.shared.ServerType
readEvent(EventId, Fqn, Tt) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
readEvent(EventId, Fqn, Tt) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
readEvent(ReadRequest) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.proxy.ClientProxy
readEventAsync(EventId, Fqn, Tt) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
readEventAsync(EventId, Fqn, Tt) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
readEventForObject(Indexable<I>) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
readEventForObject(Indexable<I>) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
readEventForObjectAsync(Indexable<I>) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
readEventForObjectAsync(Indexable<I>) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
readLsqt() - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
readLsqt() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
readLsqt() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.proxy.ClientProxy
readObject(Client, I, TemporalCoordinates) - Static method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.IndexableI
readObject(I, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
readObject(I, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
ReadObject - Record Class in com.twicedb.client.shared
An object that has been read from TwiceDB.
ReadObject(ObjectId, Tt, Tt, Tt, Vt, Vt, Tt, Vt, TimesliceId, Fqn, Blob) - Constructor for record class com.twicedb.client.shared.ReadObject
Creates an instance of a ReadObject record class.
readObjectAsync(Client, I, TemporalCoordinates) - Static method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.IndexableI
readObjectAsync(I, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
readObjectAsync(I, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
readObjects() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.api.ReadAsyncResponse
Returns the value of the readObjects record component.
readObjects(Client, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
readObjects(Client, I, TemporalCoordinates) - Static method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.IndexableI
readObjects(I, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
readObjects(I, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
readObjects(ReadRequest) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.proxy.ClientProxy
readObjectsAsync(Client, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
readObjectsAsync(Client, I, TemporalCoordinates) - Static method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.IndexableI
readObjectsAsync(I, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
readObjectsAsync(I, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
readObjectsAtTt(Client, I, Tt) - Static method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.IndexableI
readObjectsAtTt(I, Tt) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
readObjectsAtTt(I, Tt) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
readObjectsAtTtAsync(Client, I, Tt) - Static method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.IndexableI
readObjectsAtTtAsync(I, Tt) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
readObjectsAtTtAsync(I, Tt) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
readObjectsAtVt(Client, I, TemporalCoordinates) - Static method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.IndexableI
readObjectsAtVt(I, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
readObjectsAtVt(I, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
readObjectsAtVtAsync(Client, I, TemporalCoordinates) - Static method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.IndexableI
readObjectsAtVtAsync(I, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
readObjectsAtVtAsync(I, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
readObjectsByEvent(E) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
readObjectsByEvent(E) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
readObjectsByEventAsync(E) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
readObjectsByEventAsync(E) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
readObjectsByFqn(Fqn, Tt, TimesliceId, Tt, BatchSize) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
readObjectsByFqn(Fqn, Tt, TimesliceId, Tt, BatchSize) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
readObjectsByIndexedQuery(Client, IndexedQuery<I>, TemporalCoordinates) - Static method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.IndexableI
readObjectsByIndexedQuery(IndexedQuery<I>, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
readObjectsByIndexedQuery(IndexedQuery<I>, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
readObjectsByIndexedQueryAsync(Client, IndexedQuery<I>, TemporalCoordinates) - Static method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.IndexableI
readObjectsByIndexedQueryAsync(IndexedQuery<I>, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
readObjectsByIndexedQueryAsync(IndexedQuery<I>, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
readObjectsToIndexables(List<ReadObject>) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
readObjectsToIndexables(List<ReadObject>) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
readPoint(ObjectId, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
readPoint(ObjectId, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
readPointAsync(ObjectId, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
readPointAsync(ObjectId, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
ReadResponseWithTiming - Record Class in com.twicedb.client.proxy
ReadResponseWithTiming(ReadResponse, long) - Constructor for record class com.twicedb.client.proxy.ReadResponseWithTiming
Creates an instance of a ReadResponseWithTiming record class.
REF_RESOLVER_BASE_NAME - Static variable in record class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBClasses
REF_RESOLVER_KEY - Static variable in class com.twicedb.client.api.Indexable
refResolver - Variable in class com.twicedb.client.api.Indexable
RefResolver - Interface in com.twicedb.client.api
RefResolverDeserializationException - Exception in com.twicedb.client.api
RefResolverDeserializationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.twicedb.client.api.RefResolverDeserializationException
RefResolverDeserializationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.twicedb.client.api.RefResolverDeserializationException
RefResolverDeserializer - Class in com.twicedb.client.api
RefResolverDeserializer() - Constructor for class com.twicedb.client.api.RefResolverDeserializer
RefResolverSerializer - Class in com.twicedb.client.api
RefResolverSerializer() - Constructor for class com.twicedb.client.api.RefResolverSerializer
register(Fqn, TypeToken) - Static method in class com.twicedb.client.object_registry.ObjectRegistry
registerAddableField(Fqn, AddableField) - Static method in class com.twicedb.client.shape_registry.ShapeRegistry
registerRemovableField(Fqn, FieldName) - Static method in class com.twicedb.client.shape_registry.ShapeRegistry
reindexObject(I) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
reindexObject(I) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
reindexObjectAsync(I) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
reindexObjectAsync(I) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
reinstate(ObjectId, Tt, Vt) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
reinstate(ObjectId, Tt, Vt) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Txn
reinstate(ObjectId, Tt, Vt) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
reinstate(ObjectId, Tt, Vt) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.txn.Txn
reinstateAsync(ObjectId, Tt, Vt) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
reinstateAsync(ObjectId, Tt, Vt) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
reinstateObject(Client, I, Vt) - Static method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.IndexableI
reinstateObject(Indexable, Vt) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Txn
reinstateObject(Indexable, Vt) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.txn.Txn
reinstateObject(I, Vt) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
reinstateObject(I, Vt) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
reinstateObjectAsync(Client, I, Vt) - Static method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.IndexableI
reinstateObjectAsync(I, Vt) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
reinstateObjectAsync(I, Vt) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
request() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.api.ReadAsyncRequest
Returns the value of the request record component.
request() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.WriteAsyncRequest
Returns the value of the request record component.
resetBackfillTt(BackfillTt) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Indexable
RESOLVED_REFS_NAME - Static variable in record class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBClasses
ResolvedRefs - Class in com.twicedb.client.api
ResolvedRefs() - Constructor for class com.twicedb.client.api.ResolvedRefs


serialize(RefResolver, Type, JsonSerializationContext) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.RefResolverSerializer
ServerStatus - Record Class in com.twicedb.client.shared
ServerStatus(String) - Constructor for record class com.twicedb.client.shared.ServerStatus
Creates an instance of a ServerStatus record class.
ServerType - Enum Class in com.twicedb.client.shared
setBackfillTt(BackfillTt) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Indexable
setClientConfig(ClientConfig) - Static method in class com.twicedb.client.object_registry.ObjectRegistry
setEvent(Event) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.txn.Txn
setEvent(Event<E>) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Txn
setEventId(EventId) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Event
setLastWrite(Tt) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Indexable
setObjectId(ObjectId) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Indexable
setRefResolver(RefResolver) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Indexable
setTimesliceId(TimesliceId) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Indexable
setTt(Tt) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Event
setTtFrom(Tt) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Indexable
setTtResolvedAt(Tt) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Indexable
setTtResolvedAt(Tt) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.RefResolver
setTypeToken(<any>) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Event
setTypeToken(TypeToken) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Indexable
setVtFrom(Vt) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Indexable
setVtResolvedAt(Vt) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.Indexable
setVtResolvedAt(Vt) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.RefResolver
setZkAddress(String) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.config.ClientConfig
ShapeRegistry - Class in com.twicedb.client.shape_registry
SortByKey() - Constructor for class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery.SortByKey
StarEmailAddress - Static variable in record class com.twicedb.shared.EmailAddress
StarFqn - Static variable in record class com.twicedb.shared.Fqn
start() - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
start() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
status(ServerType) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.proxy.ClientProxy
STDEV - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.api.ProjectOp
STDEV_BY_INDEXES - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.metrics.ClientMetrics.RequestKind
stdevByIndexedQuery(IndexedQuery<I>, ProjectedFieldKey, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
stdevByIndexedQuery(IndexedQuery<I>, ProjectedFieldKey, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
stdevByIndexedQueryAsync(IndexedQuery<I>, ProjectedFieldKey, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
stdevByIndexedQueryAsync(IndexedQuery<I>, ProjectedFieldKey, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
stop() - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
stop() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
stop() - Method in class com.twicedb.client.proxy.ClientProxy
subscribe(SubscribeRequest, Function<SubscribeResponse, Boolean>) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.proxy.ClientProxy
SubscribeResponse - Record Class in com.twicedb.client.shared
SubscribeResponse(Tt, Vt, SubscriptionId) - Constructor for record class com.twicedb.client.shared.SubscribeResponse
Creates an instance of a SubscribeResponse record class.
subscribeToIndexedQuery(IndexedQuery<I>, Function<SubscribeResponse, Boolean>) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
subscribeToIndexedQuery(IndexedQuery<I>, Function<SubscribeResponse, Boolean>) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
subscribeToObjectId(ObjectId, Function<SubscribeResponse, Boolean>) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
subscribeToObjectId(ObjectId, Function<SubscribeResponse, Boolean>) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
subscriptionId() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.SubscribeResponse
Returns the value of the subscriptionId record component.
subscriptionId() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.SubscriptionId
Returns the value of the subscriptionId record component.
SubscriptionId - Record Class in com.twicedb.client.shared
SubscriptionId(long) - Constructor for record class com.twicedb.client.shared.SubscriptionId
Creates an instance of a SubscriptionId record class.
SUM - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.api.ProjectOp
SUM_BY_INDEXES - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.metrics.ClientMetrics.RequestKind
sumByIndexedQuery(IndexedQuery<I>, ProjectedFieldKey, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
sumByIndexedQuery(IndexedQuery<I>, ProjectedFieldKey, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
sumByIndexedQueryAsync(IndexedQuery<I>, ProjectedFieldKey, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
sumByIndexedQueryAsync(IndexedQuery<I>, ProjectedFieldKey, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl


t - Variable in class com.twicedb.client.api.Event
t - Variable in class com.twicedb.client.api.Indexable
TEMPORAL_COORDINATES_NAME - Static variable in record class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBClasses
TemporalCoordinates - Record Class in com.twicedb.shared
The (Tt, Vt) pair at which reads and writes take place.
TemporalCoordinates(Tt, Vt) - Constructor for record class com.twicedb.shared.TemporalCoordinates
Creates an instance of a TemporalCoordinates record class.
TIMESLICE_ID_NAME - Static variable in record class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBClasses
timesliceId() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.ReadObject
Returns the value of the timesliceId record component.
timesliceId() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.TimesliceId
Returns the value of the timesliceId record component.
TimesliceId - Record Class in com.twicedb.shared
TimesliceId(String) - Constructor for record class com.twicedb.shared.TimesliceId
Creates an instance of a TimesliceId record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.api.ReadAsyncRequest
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.api.ReadAsyncResponse
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.metrics.ClientMetrics.PercentileMapWithCount
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.proxy.ReadResponseWithTiming
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.proxy.WriteResponseWithTiming
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.FieldName
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.ReadObject
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.ServerStatus
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.SubscribeResponse
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.SubscriptionId
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.WriteAsyncRequest
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.WriteAsyncResponse
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.WrittenObject
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.WrittenTransaction
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.twicedb.gen.ClassTypeParams
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBClasses
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.BackfillTt
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.BatchSize
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class com.twicedb.shared.Blob
toString() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.ClientCommonName
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.EmailAddress
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.entitlements.EntitlementId
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in class com.twicedb.shared.EventBlob
toString() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.EventId
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.Fqn
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.Lsqt
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.ObjectId
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.Percentile
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.ProjectedFieldKey
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.TemporalCoordinates
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.TimesliceId
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.Tt
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.Vt
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toTt() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.BackfillTt
toTt() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.Lsqt
transformReadEvents(TypeToken, List<Event>) - Static method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.EventI
transformReadIndexables(TypeToken, List<Indexable>) - Static method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.IndexableI
transformReadObjects(TypeToken, List<ReadObject>) - Static method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.IndexableI
tt() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.SubscribeResponse
Returns the value of the tt record component.
tt() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.WrittenTransaction
Returns the value of the tt record component.
tt() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.TemporalCoordinates
Returns the value of the tt record component.
tt() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.Tt
Returns the value of the tt record component.
Tt - Record Class in com.twicedb.shared
The transaction time.
Tt(long) - Constructor for record class com.twicedb.shared.Tt
Creates an instance of a Tt record class.
TT_NAME - Static variable in record class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBClasses
ttFrom() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.ReadObject
Returns the value of the ttFrom record component.
ttResolvedAt() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.ReadObject
Returns the value of the ttResolvedAt record component.
ttTo() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.ReadObject
Returns the value of the ttTo record component.
TWICEDB_EVENT_NAME - Static variable in record class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBClasses
TWICEDB_OBJECT_NAME - Static variable in record class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBClasses
TWICEDB_REF_NAME - Static variable in record class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBClasses
TwiceDBClasses - Record Class in com.twicedb.gen
TwiceDBClasses() - Constructor for record class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBClasses
Creates an instance of a TwiceDBClasses record class.
TwiceDBEvent - Annotation Interface in com.twicedb.client.api
TwiceDBIndex - Annotation Interface in com.twicedb.client.api
An annotation that causes the annotated field to be indexed and to be read-queryable.
TwiceDBObject - Annotation Interface in com.twicedb.client.api
TwiceDBProcessorEvents - Class in com.twicedb.gen
TwiceDBProcessorEvents() - Constructor for class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBProcessorEvents
TwiceDBProcessorObjects - Class in com.twicedb.gen
TwiceDBProcessorObjects() - Constructor for class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBProcessorObjects
TwiceDBProcessorRefs - Class in com.twicedb.gen
TwiceDBProcessorRefs() - Constructor for class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBProcessorRefs
TwiceDBProject - Annotation Interface in com.twicedb.client.api
An annotation that causes the annotated field to be projected and to be aggregatable.
TwiceDBRef - Annotation Interface in com.twicedb.client.api
TwiceDBUnique - Annotation Interface in com.twicedb.client.api
An annotation that causes the annotated field to be indexed and to be read-queryable, just like @TwiceDBIndex, and also to be unique at all (tt, vt).
Txn - Class in com.twicedb.client.txn
An implementation of a transaction for TwiceDB.
Txn - Interface in com.twicedb.client.api
Txn() - Constructor for class com.twicedb.client.txn.Txn
TxnEventAlreadySetException - Exception in com.twicedb.client.api
TxnEventAlreadySetException(String) - Constructor for exception com.twicedb.client.api.TxnEventAlreadySetException
TYPE_TOKEN_NAME - Static variable in record class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBClasses
TypeNotFoundException - Exception in com.twicedb.client.impl
TypeNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception com.twicedb.client.impl.TypeNotFoundException
TypeNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.twicedb.client.impl.TypeNotFoundException
typeParams() - Method in record class com.twicedb.gen.ClassTypeParams
Returns the value of the typeParams record component.


uncompressBlob(ByteString, int) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.proxy.ClientProxy
uncompressBlobWithDecompressor(Decompressor, ByteString, int) - Static method in class com.twicedb.client.proxy.ClientProxy
UNLOCK_FQNS - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.metrics.ClientMetrics.RequestKind
unlockFqn(Fqn) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
unlockFqn(Fqn) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl


valid() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.EventId
valid() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.ObjectId
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQueryOp
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.twicedb.client.api.ProjectOp
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.twicedb.client.metrics.ClientMetrics.RequestKind
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.twicedb.client.shared.EntitleEntitlement
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.twicedb.client.shared.ReadEntitlement
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.twicedb.client.shared.ServerType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.twicedb.client.shared.WriteEntitlement
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.twicedb.gen.ConstructorArgsStyle
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQueryOp
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.twicedb.client.api.ProjectOp
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.twicedb.client.metrics.ClientMetrics.RequestKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.twicedb.client.shared.EntitleEntitlement
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.twicedb.client.shared.ReadEntitlement
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.twicedb.client.shared.ServerType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.twicedb.client.shared.WriteEntitlement
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.twicedb.gen.ConstructorArgsStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
VAR - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.api.ProjectOp
VAR_BY_INDEXES - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.metrics.ClientMetrics.RequestKind
varByIndexedQuery(IndexedQuery<I>, ProjectedFieldKey, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
varByIndexedQuery(IndexedQuery<I>, ProjectedFieldKey, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
varByIndexedQueryAsync(IndexedQuery<I>, ProjectedFieldKey, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in interface com.twicedb.client.api.Client
varByIndexedQueryAsync(IndexedQuery<I>, ProjectedFieldKey, TemporalCoordinates) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.impl.ClientImpl
Version - Class in com.twicedb.client.version
A version id for this release of the TwiceDB client.
VERSION - Static variable in class com.twicedb.client.version.Version
VERSION_KEY - Static variable in class com.twicedb.client.version.Version
vt() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.SubscribeResponse
Returns the value of the vt record component.
vt() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.TemporalCoordinates
Returns the value of the vt record component.
vt() - Method in record class com.twicedb.shared.Vt
Returns the value of the vt record component.
Vt - Record Class in com.twicedb.shared
The valid time.
Vt(long) - Constructor for record class com.twicedb.shared.Vt
Creates an instance of a Vt record class.
VT_NAME - Static variable in record class com.twicedb.gen.TwiceDBClasses
vtFrom() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.ReadObject
Returns the value of the vtFrom record component.
vtResolvedAt() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.ReadObject
Returns the value of the vtResolvedAt record component.
vtTo() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.ReadObject
Returns the value of the vtTo record component.


whereEqual(String, Boolean) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereEqual(String, Double) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereEqual(String, Float) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereEqual(String, Integer) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereEqual(String, Long) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereEqual(String, String) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereEqual(String, BigInteger) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereEqual(String, ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereEqualUnique(String, Boolean) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereEqualUnique(String, Double) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereEqualUnique(String, Float) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereEqualUnique(String, Integer) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereEqualUnique(String, Long) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereEqualUnique(String, String) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereEqualUnique(String, BigInteger) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereEqualUnique(String, ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereGreaterThan(String, Double) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereGreaterThan(String, Float) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereGreaterThan(String, Integer) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereGreaterThan(String, Long) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereGreaterThan(String, String) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereGreaterThan(String, BigInteger) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereGreaterThan(String, ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereGreaterThanOrEqualTo(String, Double) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereGreaterThanOrEqualTo(String, Float) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereGreaterThanOrEqualTo(String, Integer) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereGreaterThanOrEqualTo(String, Long) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereGreaterThanOrEqualTo(String, String) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereGreaterThanOrEqualTo(String, BigInteger) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereGreaterThanOrEqualTo(String, ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereLessThan(String, Double) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereLessThan(String, Float) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereLessThan(String, Integer) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereLessThan(String, Long) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereLessThan(String, String) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereLessThan(String, BigInteger) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereLessThan(String, ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereLessThanOrEqualTo(String, Double) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereLessThanOrEqualTo(String, Float) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereLessThanOrEqualTo(String, Integer) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereLessThanOrEqualTo(String, Long) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereLessThanOrEqualTo(String, String) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereLessThanOrEqualTo(String, BigInteger) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
whereLessThanOrEqualTo(String, ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.api.IndexedQuery
WITH_ARGS - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.gen.ConstructorArgsStyle
WITHOUT_ARGS - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.gen.ConstructorArgsStyle
write(WriteRequest) - Method in class com.twicedb.client.proxy.ClientProxy
Write - Variable in class com.twicedb.shared.entitlements.Entitlement
WRITE - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.metrics.ClientMetrics.RequestKind
WRITE_FROM_QUEUE - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.metrics.ClientMetrics.RequestKind
WriteAsyncRequest - Record Class in com.twicedb.client.shared
An asynchronous write request.
WriteAsyncRequest(WriteRequest, Future<WriteAsyncResponse>) - Constructor for record class com.twicedb.client.shared.WriteAsyncRequest
Creates an instance of a WriteAsyncRequest record class.
WriteAsyncResponse - Record Class in com.twicedb.client.shared
An asynchronous write response.
WriteAsyncResponse(List<WrittenTransaction>, String) - Constructor for record class com.twicedb.client.shared.WriteAsyncResponse
Creates an instance of a WriteAsyncResponse record class.
WriteEntitlement - Enum Class in com.twicedb.client.shared
WRITER - Enum constant in enum class com.twicedb.client.shared.ServerType
WriteResponseWithTiming - Record Class in com.twicedb.client.proxy
WriteResponseWithTiming(WriteResponse, long) - Constructor for record class com.twicedb.client.proxy.WriteResponseWithTiming
Creates an instance of a WriteResponseWithTiming record class.
WrittenObject - Record Class in com.twicedb.client.shared
An object that has been written to TwiceDB.
WrittenObject(String, ObjectId, Tt) - Constructor for record class com.twicedb.client.shared.WrittenObject
Creates an instance of a WrittenObject record class.
writtenObjects() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.WrittenTransaction
Returns the value of the writtenObjects record component.
WrittenTransaction - Record Class in com.twicedb.client.shared
A transaction that has been written to TwiceDB.
WrittenTransaction(String, Tt, List<WrittenObject>) - Constructor for record class com.twicedb.client.shared.WrittenTransaction
Creates an instance of a WrittenTransaction record class.
writtenTransactions() - Method in record class com.twicedb.client.shared.WriteAsyncResponse
Returns the value of the writtenTransactions record component.
WrongNumberOfObjectsException - Exception in com.twicedb.client.impl
An exception raised when the wrong number of objects is read from TwiceDB.
WrongNumberOfObjectsException(String) - Constructor for exception com.twicedb.client.impl.WrongNumberOfObjectsException
WrongNumberOfObjectsException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.twicedb.client.impl.WrongNumberOfObjectsException
WrongNumberOfResponsesException - Exception in com.twicedb.client.impl
WrongNumberOfResponsesException(String) - Constructor for exception com.twicedb.client.impl.WrongNumberOfResponsesException
WrongNumberOfResponsesException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.twicedb.client.impl.WrongNumberOfResponsesException
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