Class ClientProxy


public class ClientProxy extends Object
A class for proxying network requests from the client to a TwiceDB server(s). Users should not instantiate this class directly; it should be instantiated automatically by the client.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • getRetryingServiceConfig

      protected Map<String,?> getRetryingServiceConfig()
    • read

      public ReadResponseWithTiming read(ReadRequest req)
    • readLsqt

      public Lsqt readLsqt()
    • readEvent

      public ReadResponseWithTiming readEvent(ReadRequest req)
    • uncompressBlobWithDecompressor

      protected static ByteBuffer uncompressBlobWithDecompressor(Decompressor dcmprsr, ByteString bytes, int expectedUncompressedSize)
    • uncompressBlob

      protected ByteBuffer uncompressBlob(ByteString bytes, int expectedUncompressedSize)
    • readObjects

      public ReadResponseWithTiming readObjects(ReadRequest req)
    • compressBlobWithCompressor

      protected static ByteBuffer compressBlobWithCompressor(Compressor cmprsr, ByteString bytes)
    • write

      public WriteResponseWithTiming write(WriteRequest req)
    • checkReader

      public HealthCheckResponse checkReader(HealthCheckRequest req)
    • checkWriter

      public HealthCheckResponse checkWriter(HealthCheckRequest req)
    • stop

      public void stop()
    • subscribe

      public <any> subscribe(SubscribeRequest sr, Function<SubscribeResponse,Boolean> cback)
    • status

      public ServerStatus status(ServerType serverType)