Annotation Interface TwiceDBUnique

@Documented @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target({FIELD,METHOD}) public @interface TwiceDBUnique
An annotation that causes the annotated field to be indexed and to be read-queryable, just like @TwiceDBIndex, and also to be unique at all (tt, vt). For example, the following class shows both a unique field annotated with @TwiceDBUnique and an unindexed field:
     public class Example {
         // Instances of Example may be queried by uniquelyIndexedString. For
         // any particular value of uniquelyIndexedString, only 1 instance of
         // Example may be valid at any (tt, vt).
         @TwiceDBUnique public String uniquelyIndexedString;
         // Instances of Example may not be queried by unindexedString.
         public String unindexedString;
The following types can be uniquely indexed:

boolean and Boolean

double and Double

float and Float

int and Integer

long and Long

