Package com.twicedb.client.api
package com.twicedb.client.api
Defines the API and utilities for storing and retrieving data with TwiceDB.
ClassDescriptionA TwiceDB client.An object that can be indexed.IndexableI<I extends Indexable>An object that can be indexed.IndexedQuery<I extends Indexable>A read query of indexed fields.The comparisons available in indexed queries.An object that provides its own Fqn.An asynchronous read request.An asynchronous read response.An annotation that causes the annotated field to be indexed and to be read-queryable.An annotation that causes the annotated field to be projected and to be aggregatable.An annotation that causes the annotated field to be indexed and to be read-queryable, just like @TwiceDBIndex, and also to be unique at all (tt, vt).