All Classes and Interfaces

The transaction time to backfill data.
An arbitrary byte array of data to be stored in TwiceDB.
A TwiceDB client.
A class holding the runtime configuration values of a client.
An implementation of the TwiceDB client API.
A container for tracking client-side metrics.
A class for proxying network requests from the client to a TwiceDB server(s).
Event<E extends EventI<E>>
An arbitrary byte array of data to be stored in TwiceDB.
EventI<E extends EventI<E>>
A unique identifier for each event in TwiceDB.
An object that can be indexed.
An object that can be indexed.
A read query of indexed fields.
The comparisons available in indexed queries.
A representation of the last safe query time ("Lsqt"), the largest Tt at which the client knows that is safe to read.
A unique identifier for each object in TwiceDB.
An object that provides its own Fqn.
An asynchronous read request.
An asynchronous read response.
An object that has been read from TwiceDB.
The (Tt, Vt) pair at which reads and writes take place.
The transaction time.
An annotation that causes the annotated field to be indexed and to be read-queryable.
An annotation that causes the annotated field to be projected and to be aggregatable.
An annotation that causes the annotated field to be indexed and to be read-queryable, just like @TwiceDBIndex, and also to be unique at all (tt, vt).
An implementation of a transaction for TwiceDB.
A version id for this release of the TwiceDB client.
The valid time.
An asynchronous write request.
An asynchronous write response.
An object that has been written to TwiceDB.
A transaction that has been written to TwiceDB.
An exception raised when the wrong number of objects is read from TwiceDB.