
Money Pricing

TwiceDB provides a dedicated, fully-managed database sized and priced for your needs.

Starter Pro Enterprise
vCPUs 2 4 8
Dedicated, fully managed Check Check Check
Automated daily backups Check Check Check
Secure access Check Check Check
Cost / month1 2 3 $199 $398 $796

+ $0.32 / month / provisioned GB of storage

+ $0.10 / GB data transferred out of TwiceDB

Ready to sign up? Get started today!

What if I’m unhappy after a day / week / year?

No problem! If you’re unsatisfied, we will export your data and send it to you4.

  1. Prices may be pro-rated at TwiceDB’s discretion. ↩︎

  2. Prices are shown in USD. ↩︎

  3. Prices are per instance. Multiple instances can be used to scale read load. ↩︎

  4. Just make sure that you’re paid up. ↩︎

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