
Package api

import "bitbucket.org/twicedb/twicedb-go/client/api"

Overview ▾

Package api defines the TwiceDB client API.

Index ▾

func ProjectedFieldsToProtos(objectProjectedFields map[shared.ProjectedFieldKey]*shared.ProjectedFieldValue) ([]*projectp.ProjectedField, error)
type Client
type Event
type EventF
    func (e *EventF) Equal(o any) bool
    func (ev *EventF) EventId() shared.EventId
    func (ev *EventF) SetEventId(eid shared.EventId) error
    func (ev *EventF) SetTt(tt shared.Tt) error
    func (ev *EventF) Tt() shared.Tt
type Indexable
type IndexableF
    func (i *IndexableF) BackfillTt() shared.BackfillTt
    func (i *IndexableF) Equal(o any) bool
    func (i *IndexableF) LastWrite() shared.Tt
    func (i *IndexableF) ObjectId() shared.ObjectId
    func (i *IndexableF) Refs() *sync.Map
    func (i *IndexableF) ResetBackfillTt(bt shared.BackfillTt)
    func (i *IndexableF) ResolvedRefs() *sync.Map
    func (i *IndexableF) SetBackfillTt(bt shared.BackfillTt) error
    func (i *IndexableF) SetLastWrite(lw shared.Tt) error
    func (i *IndexableF) SetObjectId(oid shared.ObjectId) error
    func (i *IndexableF) SetTimesliceId(tid shared.TimesliceId) error
    func (i *IndexableF) SetTtFrom(tt shared.Tt) error
    func (i *IndexableF) SetTtResolvedAt(tt shared.Tt) error
    func (i *IndexableF) SetTtTo(tt shared.Tt) error
    func (i *IndexableF) SetVtFrom(vt shared.Vt) error
    func (i *IndexableF) SetVtResolvedAt(vt shared.Vt) error
    func (i *IndexableF) SetVtTo(vt shared.Vt) error
    func (i *IndexableF) TimesliceId() shared.TimesliceId
    func (i *IndexableF) TtFrom() shared.Tt
    func (i *IndexableF) TtResolvedAt() shared.Tt
    func (i *IndexableF) TtTo() shared.Tt
    func (i *IndexableF) VtFrom() shared.Vt
    func (i *IndexableF) VtResolvedAt() shared.Vt
    func (i *IndexableF) VtTo() shared.Vt
type IndexedQuery
    func NewEmptyIndexedQuery(ixbl Indexable) *IndexedQuery
    func (iq *IndexedQuery) Equal(iqOther *IndexedQuery) bool
    func (iq *IndexedQuery) Indexes() []*indexp.IndexCondition
    func (iq *IndexedQuery) Ixbl() Indexable
    func (iq *IndexedQuery) ReadObjects(c Client, tc *shared.TemporalCoordinates) ([]Indexable, error)
    func (iq *IndexedQuery) ReadObjectsAsync(c Client, tc *shared.TemporalCoordinates) chan cshared.ReadAsyncResponse
    func (iq *IndexedQuery) SetIndexes(indexes []*indexp.IndexCondition)
    func (iq *IndexedQuery) WhereEq(field string, value interface{}) *IndexedQuery
    func (iq *IndexedQuery) WhereEqUnique(field string, value interface{}) *IndexedQuery
    func (iq *IndexedQuery) WhereGt(field string, value interface{}) *IndexedQuery
    func (iq *IndexedQuery) WhereGte(field string, value interface{}) *IndexedQuery
    func (iq *IndexedQuery) WhereLt(field string, value interface{}) *IndexedQuery
    func (iq *IndexedQuery) WhereLte(field string, value interface{}) *IndexedQuery
type ObjectIterator
type PlainEvent
    func NewPlainEvent() *PlainEvent
    func NewPlainEventWithEventId(eventId shared.EventId) *PlainEvent
    func (o *PlainEvent) Blob() (shared.EventBlob, error)
    func (o *PlainEvent) Fqn() shared.Fqn
    func (o *PlainEvent) GenerateEventId() shared.EventId
    func (o *PlainEvent) GetEvent(c Client, eventId shared.EventId) (*PlainEvent, error)
    func (o *PlainEvent) GetEventAsync(c Client, eventId shared.EventId) chan *PlainEventAsyncResponse
    func (o *PlainEvent) InstantiateEventFromBlob(eb shared.EventBlob, eventId shared.EventId, tt shared.Tt) (*PlainEvent, error)
    func (o *PlainEvent) ProjectedFields() map[shared.ProjectedFieldKey]*shared.ProjectedFieldValue
type PlainEventAsyncResponse
type ProjectOp
type ProvidesEventId
type ProvidesFqn
type ProvidesObjectId
type Txn

Package files

client.go doc.go event.go indexable.go indexed_query.go object_iterator.go plain_event.go plain_event_accessors.go plain_event_constructor.go project_op.go projected_fields_converter.go provides_event_id.go provides_fqn.go provides_object_id.go txn.go


const (
    ClazzKey = "clazz"

func ProjectedFieldsToProtos

func ProjectedFieldsToProtos(objectProjectedFields map[shared.ProjectedFieldKey]*shared.ProjectedFieldValue) ([]*projectp.ProjectedField, error)

type Client

type Client interface {
    CatchUpLsqt(shared.Tt, time.Duration) (shared.Lsqt, error)
    CommitTxn(Txn) (*cshared.WrittenTransaction, error)
    CommitTxnAsync(Txn) chan cshared.WriteAsyncResponse
    Context() context.Context
    Delete(context.Context, shared.ObjectId, shared.Tt, shared.Vt) (*cshared.WrittenObject, error)
    DeleteAsync(context.Context, shared.ObjectId, shared.Tt, shared.Vt) chan cshared.WriteAsyncResponse
    DeleteObject(context.Context, Indexable, shared.Vt) (*cshared.WrittenObject, error)
    DeleteObjectAsync(context.Context, Indexable, shared.Vt) chan cshared.WriteAsyncResponse
    Lsqt() shared.Lsqt
    Put(context.Context, shared.ObjectId, shared.Tt, shared.Vt, *shared.Blob) (*cshared.WrittenObject, error)
    PutAsync(context.Context, shared.ObjectId, shared.Tt, shared.Vt, *shared.Blob) chan cshared.WriteAsyncResponse
    PutObject(context.Context, Indexable, shared.Tt, shared.Vt) (*cshared.WrittenObject, error)
    PutObjectAsync(context.Context, Indexable, shared.Tt, shared.Vt) chan cshared.WriteAsyncResponse
    ReadEvent(context.Context, shared.EventId, shared.Fqn, shared.Tt) (shared.Event, error)
    ReadEventAsync(context.Context, shared.EventId, shared.Fqn, shared.Tt) chan cshared.ReadAsyncResponse
    ReadEventForObject(context.Context, Indexable) (shared.Event, error)
    ReadEventForObjectAsync(context.Context, Indexable) chan cshared.ReadAsyncResponse
    ReadObject(context.Context, Indexable, *shared.TemporalCoordinates) (*cshared.ReadObject, error)
    ReadObjectAsync(context.Context, Indexable, *shared.TemporalCoordinates) chan cshared.ReadObject
    ReadObjects(context.Context, Indexable, *shared.TemporalCoordinates) ([]Indexable, error)
    ReadObjectsAsync(context.Context, Indexable, *shared.TemporalCoordinates) chan cshared.ReadAsyncResponse
    ReadObjectsByEvent(context.Context, shared.Event) ([]Indexable, error)
    ReadObjectsByEventAsync(context.Context, shared.Event) chan Indexable
    // No async version for this because it powers an Iterator.
    ReadObjectsByFqn(context.Context, shared.Fqn, shared.Tt, shared.TimesliceId, shared.Tt, shared.BatchSize) ([]Indexable, error)
    ReadObjectsByIndexedQuery(context.Context, *IndexedQuery, *shared.TemporalCoordinates) ([]Indexable, error)
    ReadObjectsByIndexedQueryAsync(context.Context, *IndexedQuery, *shared.TemporalCoordinates) chan cshared.ReadAsyncResponse
    ReadObjectsToIndexables([]*cshared.ReadObject) ([]Indexable, error)
    ReadPoint(context.Context, shared.ObjectId, *shared.TemporalCoordinates) (*cshared.ReadObject, error)
    ReadPointAsync(context.Context, shared.ObjectId, *shared.TemporalCoordinates) chan cshared.ReadAsyncResponse
    Reinstate(context.Context, shared.ObjectId, shared.Tt, shared.Vt) (*cshared.WrittenObject, error)
    ReinstateAsync(context.Context, shared.ObjectId, shared.Tt, shared.Vt) chan cshared.WriteAsyncResponse
    ReinstateObject(context.Context, Indexable, shared.Tt, shared.Vt) (*cshared.WrittenObject, error)
    ReinstateObjectAsync(context.Context, Indexable, shared.Tt, shared.Vt) chan cshared.WriteAsyncResponse
    // Aggregations
    CountByIndexedQuery(*IndexedQuery, *shared.TemporalCoordinates) (*big.Int, bool, error)
    CountByIndexedQueryAsync(*IndexedQuery, *shared.TemporalCoordinates) chan cshared.ReadAsyncResponse
    MaxByIndexedQuery(*IndexedQuery, shared.ProjectedFieldKey, *shared.TemporalCoordinates) (*big.Rat, bool, error)
    MaxByIndexedQueryAsync(*IndexedQuery, shared.ProjectedFieldKey, *shared.TemporalCoordinates) chan cshared.ReadAsyncResponse
    MeanByIndexedQuery(*IndexedQuery, shared.ProjectedFieldKey, *shared.TemporalCoordinates) (*big.Rat, bool, error)
    MeanByIndexedQueryAsync(*IndexedQuery, shared.ProjectedFieldKey, *shared.TemporalCoordinates) chan cshared.ReadAsyncResponse
    MedianByIndexedQuery(*IndexedQuery, shared.ProjectedFieldKey, *shared.TemporalCoordinates) (*big.Rat, bool, error)
    MedianByIndexedQueryAsync(*IndexedQuery, shared.ProjectedFieldKey, *shared.TemporalCoordinates) chan cshared.ReadAsyncResponse
    MinByIndexedQuery(*IndexedQuery, shared.ProjectedFieldKey, *shared.TemporalCoordinates) (*big.Rat, bool, error)
    MinByIndexedQueryAsync(*IndexedQuery, shared.ProjectedFieldKey, *shared.TemporalCoordinates) chan cshared.ReadAsyncResponse
    PercentileByIndexedQuery(*IndexedQuery, shared.ProjectedFieldKey, shared.Percentile, *shared.TemporalCoordinates) (*big.Rat, bool, error)
    PercentileByIndexedQueryAsync(*IndexedQuery, shared.ProjectedFieldKey, shared.Percentile, *shared.TemporalCoordinates) chan cshared.ReadAsyncResponse
    StdevByIndexedQuery(*IndexedQuery, shared.ProjectedFieldKey, *shared.TemporalCoordinates) (*big.Rat, bool, error)
    StdevByIndexedQueryAsync(*IndexedQuery, shared.ProjectedFieldKey, *shared.TemporalCoordinates) chan cshared.ReadAsyncResponse
    SumByIndexedQuery(*IndexedQuery, shared.ProjectedFieldKey, *shared.TemporalCoordinates) (*big.Rat, bool, error)
    SumByIndexedQueryAsync(*IndexedQuery, shared.ProjectedFieldKey, *shared.TemporalCoordinates) chan cshared.ReadAsyncResponse
    VarByIndexedQuery(*IndexedQuery, shared.ProjectedFieldKey, *shared.TemporalCoordinates) (*big.Rat, bool, error)
    VarByIndexedQueryAsync(*IndexedQuery, shared.ProjectedFieldKey, *shared.TemporalCoordinates) chan cshared.ReadAsyncResponse
    // Lock / Unlock Fqns
    ListLockedFqns(context.Context) ([]shared.Fqn, error)
    LockFqn(context.Context, shared.Fqn) (shared.Tt, error)
    UnlockFqn(context.Context, shared.Fqn) (shared.Tt, error)
    // Reindex
    ReindexObject(context.Context, Indexable) (*cshared.WrittenObject, error)
    ReindexObjectAsync(context.Context, Indexable) chan cshared.WriteAsyncResponse
    // Subscribe
    SubscribeToIndexedQuery(context.Context, *IndexedQuery) (cshared.SubscriptionId, chan cshared.SubscribeResponse, error)
    SubscribeToObjectId(context.Context, shared.ObjectId) (cshared.SubscriptionId, chan cshared.SubscribeResponse, error)
    // Tt timeline
    ReadObjectsAtVt(context.Context, Indexable, *shared.TemporalCoordinates) ([]Indexable, error)
    ReadObjectsAtVtAsync(context.Context, Indexable, *shared.TemporalCoordinates) chan cshared.ReadAsyncResponse
    // Vt timeline
    ReadObjectsAtTt(context.Context, Indexable, shared.Tt) ([]Indexable, error)
    ReadObjectsAtTtAsync(context.Context, Indexable, shared.Tt) chan cshared.ReadAsyncResponse
    // Server status
    ServerStatus(context.Context, cshared.ServerType) (*cshared.ServerStatus, error)
    // Reload config
    ReloadConfig(context.Context) error
    // Entitlements
    Entitle(context.Context, shared.EmailAddress, shared.Fqn, cshared.ReadEntitlement, cshared.WriteEntitlement, cshared.EntitleEntitlement, shared.Vt, *shared.BackfillTt) (shared.Tt, error)

type Event

Event is an interface that is used to persist metadata about database events.

type Event interface {
    Equal(any) bool
    EventId() shared.EventId
    SetEventId(shared.EventId) error
    Tt() shared.Tt
    SetTt(tt shared.Tt) error

type EventF

type EventF struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*EventF) Equal

func (e *EventF) Equal(o any) bool

func (*EventF) EventId

func (ev *EventF) EventId() shared.EventId

func (*EventF) SetEventId

func (ev *EventF) SetEventId(eid shared.EventId) error

func (*EventF) SetTt

func (ev *EventF) SetTt(tt shared.Tt) error

func (*EventF) Tt

func (ev *EventF) Tt() shared.Tt

type Indexable

Indexable is an interface that is used to persist metadata about database objects.

type Indexable interface {
    BackfillTt() shared.BackfillTt
    EnsureCanProjectField(string, ProjectOp)
    Equal(any) bool
    Fqn() shared.Fqn
    IndexedQuery() *IndexedQuery
    ProjectedFields() map[shared.ProjectedFieldKey]*shared.ProjectedFieldValue
    LastWrite() shared.Tt
    ObjectId() shared.ObjectId
    ResolvedRefs() *sync.Map
    SetObjectId(shared.ObjectId) error
    SetBackfillTt(shared.BackfillTt) error
    SetLastWrite(shared.Tt) error
    SetTtFrom(shared.Tt) error
    SetTtTo(shared.Tt) error
    SetVtFrom(shared.Vt) error
    SetVtTo(shared.Vt) error
    TtFrom() shared.Tt
    TtResolvedAt() shared.Tt
    SetTtResolvedAt(shared.Tt) error
    VtResolvedAt() shared.Vt
    SetVtResolvedAt(shared.Vt) error
    TimesliceId() shared.TimesliceId
    SetTimesliceId(shared.TimesliceId) error

type IndexableF

IndexableF provides a base set of fields to make working with structs as database objects easier.

type IndexableF struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (*IndexableF) BackfillTt

func (i *IndexableF) BackfillTt() shared.BackfillTt

BackfillTt returns the Tt at which the object was backfilled.

func (*IndexableF) Equal

func (i *IndexableF) Equal(o any) bool

func (*IndexableF) LastWrite

func (i *IndexableF) LastWrite() shared.Tt

LastWrite returns the lastWrite.

func (*IndexableF) ObjectId

func (i *IndexableF) ObjectId() shared.ObjectId

ObjectId returns the objectId.

func (*IndexableF) Refs

func (i *IndexableF) Refs() *sync.Map

func (*IndexableF) ResetBackfillTt

func (i *IndexableF) ResetBackfillTt(bt shared.BackfillTt)

ResetBackfillTt resets the backfillTt. Unlike SetBackfillTt, this will not error if called more than once.

func (*IndexableF) ResolvedRefs

func (i *IndexableF) ResolvedRefs() *sync.Map

func (*IndexableF) SetBackfillTt

func (i *IndexableF) SetBackfillTt(bt shared.BackfillTt) error

SetBackfillTt sets the backfillTt. This will error if called more than once since an object's BackfillTt cannot change.

func (*IndexableF) SetLastWrite

func (i *IndexableF) SetLastWrite(lw shared.Tt) error

SetLastWrite sets the lastWrite. Unlike the objectId, the lastWrite does change as data is modified, so this can be called more than once.

func (*IndexableF) SetObjectId

func (i *IndexableF) SetObjectId(oid shared.ObjectId) error

SetObjectId sets the objectId. This will error if called more than once since an object's ObjectId cannot change.

func (*IndexableF) SetTimesliceId

func (i *IndexableF) SetTimesliceId(tid shared.TimesliceId) error

SetTimesliceId sets the TimesliceId of the object's data. This will error if called more than once since an object's timesliceId cannot change.

func (*IndexableF) SetTtFrom

func (i *IndexableF) SetTtFrom(tt shared.Tt) error

SetTtFrom sets the ttFrom. This will error if called more than once since an object's TtFrom cannot change.

func (*IndexableF) SetTtResolvedAt

func (i *IndexableF) SetTtResolvedAt(tt shared.Tt) error

SetTtResolvedAt sets the Tt at which the object was loaded. This will error if called more than once since an object's ttResolvedAt cannot change.

func (*IndexableF) SetTtTo

func (i *IndexableF) SetTtTo(tt shared.Tt) error

SetTtTo sets the ttTo. This will error if called more than once since an object's TtTo cannot change.

func (*IndexableF) SetVtFrom

func (i *IndexableF) SetVtFrom(vt shared.Vt) error

SetVtFrom sets the vtFrom. This will error if called more than once since an object's vtFrom cannot change.

func (*IndexableF) SetVtResolvedAt

func (i *IndexableF) SetVtResolvedAt(vt shared.Vt) error

SetVtResolvedAt sets the Vt at which the object was loaded. This will error if called more than once since an object's vtResolvedAt cannot change.

func (*IndexableF) SetVtTo

func (i *IndexableF) SetVtTo(vt shared.Vt) error

SetVtTo sets the vtFrom. This will error if called more than once since an object's vtFrom cannot change.

func (*IndexableF) TimesliceId

func (i *IndexableF) TimesliceId() shared.TimesliceId

TimesliceId returns the TimesliceId of the object's data.

func (*IndexableF) TtFrom

func (i *IndexableF) TtFrom() shared.Tt

TtFrom returns the Tt at which the object was written to the database.

func (*IndexableF) TtResolvedAt

func (i *IndexableF) TtResolvedAt() shared.Tt

TtResolvedAt returns the Tt at which the object was loaded.

func (*IndexableF) TtTo

func (i *IndexableF) TtTo() shared.Tt

TtTo returns the Tt at which the object becomes invalid because, for example, it was deleted.

func (*IndexableF) VtFrom

func (i *IndexableF) VtFrom() shared.Vt

VtFrom returns the Vt at which the object was written to the database.

func (*IndexableF) VtResolvedAt

func (i *IndexableF) VtResolvedAt() shared.Vt

VtResolvedAt returns the Vt at which the object was loaded.

func (*IndexableF) VtTo

func (i *IndexableF) VtTo() shared.Vt

VtTo returns the Vt at which the object becomes invalid because, for example, it was deleted.

type IndexedQuery

type IndexedQuery struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func NewEmptyIndexedQuery

func NewEmptyIndexedQuery(ixbl Indexable) *IndexedQuery

func (*IndexedQuery) Equal

func (iq *IndexedQuery) Equal(iqOther *IndexedQuery) bool

func (*IndexedQuery) Indexes

func (iq *IndexedQuery) Indexes() []*indexp.IndexCondition

func (*IndexedQuery) Ixbl

func (iq *IndexedQuery) Ixbl() Indexable

func (*IndexedQuery) ReadObjects

func (iq *IndexedQuery) ReadObjects(c Client, tc *shared.TemporalCoordinates) ([]Indexable, error)

func (*IndexedQuery) ReadObjectsAsync

func (iq *IndexedQuery) ReadObjectsAsync(c Client, tc *shared.TemporalCoordinates) chan cshared.ReadAsyncResponse

func (*IndexedQuery) SetIndexes

func (iq *IndexedQuery) SetIndexes(indexes []*indexp.IndexCondition)

func (*IndexedQuery) WhereEq

func (iq *IndexedQuery) WhereEq(field string, value interface{}) *IndexedQuery

FIXME: Write tests for these.

func (*IndexedQuery) WhereEqUnique

func (iq *IndexedQuery) WhereEqUnique(field string, value interface{}) *IndexedQuery

This is used only internally to set indexes to unique.

func (*IndexedQuery) WhereGt

func (iq *IndexedQuery) WhereGt(field string, value interface{}) *IndexedQuery

func (*IndexedQuery) WhereGte

func (iq *IndexedQuery) WhereGte(field string, value interface{}) *IndexedQuery

func (*IndexedQuery) WhereLt

func (iq *IndexedQuery) WhereLt(field string, value interface{}) *IndexedQuery

func (*IndexedQuery) WhereLte

func (iq *IndexedQuery) WhereLte(field string, value interface{}) *IndexedQuery

type ObjectIterator

type ObjectIterator[T Indexable] interface {
    HasNext() (bool, error)
    Next() (T, error)

type PlainEvent

type PlainEvent struct {

func NewPlainEvent

func NewPlainEvent() *PlainEvent

func NewPlainEventWithEventId

func NewPlainEventWithEventId(eventId shared.EventId) *PlainEvent

func (*PlainEvent) Blob

func (o *PlainEvent) Blob() (shared.EventBlob, error)

func (*PlainEvent) Fqn

func (o *PlainEvent) Fqn() shared.Fqn

func (*PlainEvent) GenerateEventId

func (o *PlainEvent) GenerateEventId() shared.EventId

func (*PlainEvent) GetEvent

func (o *PlainEvent) GetEvent(c Client, eventId shared.EventId) (*PlainEvent, error)

func (*PlainEvent) GetEventAsync

func (o *PlainEvent) GetEventAsync(c Client, eventId shared.EventId) chan *PlainEventAsyncResponse

func (*PlainEvent) InstantiateEventFromBlob

func (o *PlainEvent) InstantiateEventFromBlob(eb shared.EventBlob, eventId shared.EventId, tt shared.Tt) (*PlainEvent, error)

func (*PlainEvent) ProjectedFields

func (o *PlainEvent) ProjectedFields() map[shared.ProjectedFieldKey]*shared.ProjectedFieldValue

type PlainEventAsyncResponse

type PlainEventAsyncResponse struct {
    Event *PlainEvent
    Error error

type ProjectOp

type ProjectOp int8
const (
    ProjectOpCount ProjectOp = iota

type ProvidesEventId

type ProvidesEventId interface {
    ProvidedEventId() shared.EventId

type ProvidesFqn

type ProvidesFqn interface {
    ProvidedFqn() shared.Fqn

type ProvidesObjectId

type ProvidesObjectId interface {
    ProvidedObjectId() shared.ObjectId

type Txn

type Txn interface {
    Delete(objectId shared.ObjectId, lastRead shared.Tt, vtFrom shared.Vt)
    Put(objectId shared.ObjectId, lastRead shared.Tt, vtFrom shared.Vt, blob *shared.Blob)
    Reinstate(objectId shared.ObjectId, lastRead shared.Tt, vtFrom shared.Vt)
    DeleteObject(object Indexable, vtFrom shared.Vt) error
    PutObject(object Indexable, vtFrom shared.Vt) error
    ReinstateObject(object Indexable, vtFrom shared.Vt) error
    HasEvent() bool
    Event() (shared.Event, error)
    SetEvent(ev shared.Event) error
    Objects() []Indexable
    WriteCommands() []*writerp.WriteRequest_WriteCommand


Name Synopsis
constants Package constants defines constants used throughout the TwiceDB client API.