
Package client

import "bitbucket.org/twicedb/twicedb-go/client"

Overview ▾

Package client provides a client library to interact with TwiceDB.

Index ▾

Package files



Name Synopsis
api Package api defines the TwiceDB client API.
constants Package constants defines constants used throughout the TwiceDB client API.
config Package config provides ClientConfig to configure some Client behaviors.
impl Package impl provides an implementation of the TwiceDB client.
metrics Package metrics provides functions for storing and retrieving client metrics.
proxy Package proxy provides a proxy to be used by the client to encapsulate common networking bits not specific to the TwiceDB client API.
shape_registry Package shape_registry defines the ShapeRegistry that allows the TwiceDB client to modify object schemas.
shared Package shared provides things that are used in several client modules.
txn Package txn provides a struct and utilities for working with transactions in TwiceDB.
version Package version provides a version id.